Jumat, 16 September 2011

Apakah Kamu Yakin Memiliki Literasi Keuangan Yang Tinggi?

Smart Finance AYCALImage by sunitshrestha via Flickr
(Mengukur Literasi Keuangan Dosen UKSW)

Peter Garlans Sina, SE., MM
Ricky Arnold Nggili, S.Si., MM

Financial literacy is meant as the ability of managing money, therefore it is important for every people to understand it well. However it is just a small number of people who has high level of financial literacy. This research is aimed to know the differences of financial literacy between genders. The sample of this research is all young lectures in UKSW- Salatiga. Data were gathered using questionnaire. The result shows that there are no differences between male lectures and female lectures in terms of saving, general knowledge about financial literacy, and insurance, whereas there are differences in terms of investment, that female lectures have higher level of investment.

Key words: financial literacy, general knowledge, saving, insurance, investment, gender.

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